Tuesday, 30 May 2017

St Bernard's Sing for Songbirds

Year 3 visited St Bernard's Primary School on Friday to see their 'Sing for songbirds' exhibition. St Bernard's have embarked on a conservation project with Chester Zoo to help save the Asian songbird. We were blown away by the exhibition and the amazing work they have done. The highlight was when the two year 3 classes sang the songbird song to each other.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Year 3 assembly

Yesterday, in their assembly, year 3 shared some of the exciting things they gave been learning. They talked about The Stone Age and the work we have been doing in English. They also demonstrated how magnets repeal and attract and Ruby, Olivia, KC and Teagan performed the routine they learnt on the gymnastics lesson.

Finally....well done Maisie for winning the courtesy cup!